Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lunch Tomorrow


Please be aware that the hot lunch option for tomorrow has been changed to chicken nuggets with a dinner roll. Please discuss this with your child this evening to avoid confusion ordering lunch tomorrow. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Testing for 7th and 8th Grade

Dear 7th and 8th grade parents,

In addition to the Stanford tests, the 7th and 8th grade students will be tested on their writing skills. This test will be comprised of two sections. The first section of the test will be a descriptive writing piece based on a writing prompt provided by the teacher. The second section of the test will be an essay on a teacher-selected topic. Both compositions will be graded by three teachers for mechanics and content and will be given a composite score. Tests will take place for 8th grade tomorrow, Tuesday, March 31st and for 7th grade on Wednesday, April 1st.

Please make sure your students get a good night's sleep before the tests. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Magazine Drive


Students had an assembly during school today to kick off the magazine drive. Packets have been sent home with your children. Please take time to look through the packet and familiarize yourself with the fundraiser. The first deadline is tomorrow! You will find a postcard booklet in the fundraising packet to list names of people that may live far away that you would like to be a part. Each student who returns this booklet by tomorrow with at least 7 people with different addresses, will receive a prize!

Thursday, April 2nd will be the 1st turn in day. Each student who turns in orders by next Thursday will receive prizes!

The drive will continue through the Easter break and final orders will be collected on Wednesday, April 15th.

Happy fundraising :)

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Win a $15 gift card to Friendly's

Dear Parents,

The ACA student council will be sponsoring a fundraiser Friday, March 27th- Thursday, April 2nd. There will be two large jars of jelly beans in the cafeteria during lunch times- one for elementary school and one for middle school. To go along with many of the classes current math units of estimation, students will have the opportunity to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. The cost is $.25 per guess and students may guess as many times as they would like.

One elementary and one middle school winner will be presented with a $15 gift card to Friendly's. The student council will donate all proceeds to the school program of their choice. Please send a few quarters in to school with your child starting on Friday so that they can participate in this creative fundraiser sponsored by our ACA Student Council.

Thank you!!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thursday, March 26th is Spring Picture Day


This coming Thursday, March 26th is spring picture day. Students should follow dress down guidelines and can wear outfits of their/your choice. Forms have been sent home today with your children. Please fill it out with your name and pose selection and send back to school for picture day. You will be given the option to order pictures after they have been developed- there is no need to send money in on Thursday.

8th grade students will have the option of having their pictures taken in cap and gown. We have one cap and gown set that can be used for those pictures. Please note on your form if you would like your 8th grade student to have a professional cap and gown photo taken.

Many school districts have deadlines for their B6T transportation forms to be in. Your B6T needs to be submitted to your school district as soon as possible. If you plan on registering your child for the 2009-2010 school year, please return the B6T form to the school office as soon as possible. Thanks for your help in this!

Have a great night!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funeral Service


There will be funeral service taking place at Calvary Hill Church during the school day tomorrow. A very large crowd is expected as the service is in honor of a member of the church who was also a state trooper. The services begin at 9:00AM and will continue into the early afternoon. If you will need to visit the school between the hours of 9:00AM and 2:00PM, parking will be extremely limited. Calvary Hill Church has organized overflow parking at surrounding locations that you may need to utilize if you arrive during those times. Please plan accordingly. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time for one of our church families.

Because of the busy situation tomorrow and because the school is closed on Friday, we will be ordering pizza for lunch instead of the regular hot lunches. Please send a bagged lunch with your child if you would rather they not have pizza for lunch. Thank you!

Tomorrow is a dress down day for students. Students may pay $1 to dress down for the day.

Also, this is a reminder that your registration packet and fee is due by tomorrow in order to receive the $25 voucher per child toward the book fees. In order for your child to be registered for the 2009-2010 school year and receive this voucher, your registration fee must be paid with your paperwork.

Tomorrow night is the ACA Open House from 7:00PM-9:00PM. All parents are encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity for you to meet with the teacher that your child will have next year!

Have a great night!!!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teacher/Staff In-Service Day-No School


I have several notes for you this week! It's a busy time around the school and a lot is happening. :)

As a friendly reminder, we ask that if you need to pick your child up from school early that you give the school as much notice as possible. The teachers prefer that you send in a note first thing in the morning to let them know what time you will need your child to be ready. If that is not possible, please contact the main office and let us know as much in advance as you can. We will then contact your child's teacher to let her know and she will make sure your child has his/her homework for the day and things together when you arrive. This avoids disrupting the class and saves you waiting time when you arrive as well. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

As stated on the school calendar, there is no school this Friday, March 20th due to teacher/staff in-service day.

Make-up day for the ACA book fair will be on Thursday. If your child missed the opportunity to browse or purchase from the book fair during their scheduled time this week, they will have the opportunity to visit the book fair again on Thursday. You may send in money with your child to do that. Parents are welcome to browse the book fair as well from 2:00-4:00 tomorrow or Thursday and again during the open house on Thursday night.

Yearbook orders are due on Thursday. Don't miss your chance to purchase a yearbook for the 2008-2009 school year! The cost is $35. Checks can be made payable to ACA and sent into school with your child.

Keep in mind that if your registration packet and fee are received by this Thursday, you will receive a $25 voucher per child to be used toward book fees.

DVD's of the elementary Christmas production "O Christmas Tree" are now available in the main office for $10.

Phew- that's it for now! :) Hope that you are having a great week!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Traffic Alert


Beginning Monday, March 23rd, the Glassboro Police Department will be closing Route 322 at Bowe Blvd and at the West Street and Main Street intersection for construction on the Rowan Blvd. project. The closure will last through the end of the school year.

The closure by Rowan will mostly likely cause traffic delays during certain times of the day. Please plan accordingly to allow adequate time in your commutes to and from the school.

Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Open House-Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 PM Please Attend


This Thursday, March 19th at 7:00PM is ACA's Open House night for the 2009-2010 school year. All parents are encouraged to attend! The goal is for you to visit the classroom teacher that your child will have for the 2009-2010 school year. Your children are welcome to attend this night as well- we ask only that they remain under your supervision for the entire night as this is a time for parents and children to spend together getting to know next year's teachers a little better. This will also ensure that our teachers are available to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. Teachers will have their curriculum on display for you to look through and they will be available to answer questions you may have.

This event is also open to the public and we encourage you to invite any families you may know that would be interested in looking into educating their children at Ambassador Christian Academy. The open house is a great opportunity for prospective families to see what our school is all about! If you need more open house fliers to hand out, please let me know and I will send them home with your child.

If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 856-881-3669. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night at 7:00PM!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Monday, March 16, 2009

Registration Packet


You may have noticed that your registration packet that was sent home with students on Friday is missing a B6T transportation form. The form has been sent home with your child today. Please be sure to look for it. The B6T transportation reimbursement forms are a required part of your registration. If you have already sent in your registration forms, please complete the B6T and return it to the school as soon as possible. All others can return the form along with their other completed registration forms.

Thanks so much and have a great day!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

St. Patrick's Day


Tomorrow will be a FREE dress down day for St. Patrick's Day. Students are encouraged to wear green!!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Props Needed for Musical and Spring Production


As you know, many of your children have been working very hard in preparation for the upcoming spring productions. Now we need the help of our parents to get everything together and make these productions the best they can be!

K4-4th grade will be doing a musical called Arkeology (the study of Noah and the Ark). The children will be working to make their own animal masks and such. If you have any old animal costumes that you would like to donate or have your child use, please let Miss Cuoco know. Also, if your children have any animal print shirts, pants, or leggings, those would be very helpful as well.

4th-8th grades will be performing "The Miracle Worker". If you have sewing ability and would be willing to donate some time to help sew costumes from the early 1900's, please let Miss Cuoco know. We are also in need of the following items for this production:

-Men's hats
-Wingtip shoes
-Ladies shoes that look like they could be from the era
-A pump for an old-fashioned well
-Wick latern
-Long dresses- something we could make to look like that era
- A wood cradle

Anything you are able to do will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for helping us to make these productions very special!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Volunteers Needed


We are still in need of volunteers to help with the book fair next week. These are the specific times that we really need more help:

2 more people to help on Wednesday morning
1 more person to help on Thursday morning
1 more person to help on Thursday evening during the Open House
Every afternoon Monday thru Thursday from 2:00-4:00

If you are able to help in any way, please contact Dorcas Reynolds as soon as possible at angeljoy3@aol.com or reply to this e-mail. The shifts listed above are only for 2 hours each- any help that you are able to commit would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lunch Voucher

Dear Parents,

A lunch voucher notice went home with your child today stating that his/her lunch voucher is negative. Please take note of the negative amount stated on the notice and remit payment to the office as soon as possible. Until the lunch account is replenished, your student will not be allowed to order hot lunch. Thank you so much for your continued cooperation in this matter!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Education Sunday


Please note that Education Sunday will not be taking place on Sunday, March 29th. The rescheduled date will be posted on next month's calendar. Also, Thursday, March 26th will be Spring pictures day- please add that to your March calendars.

Tomorrow is a dress down day for students. Students may pay $1 to dress down for the day. Please keep in mind that dressing down is optional, but students who are dressed down and do not pay their $1 will be written up for dress code violation. Thank you for your continued cooperation!

Have a great night!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Revised Calendar for the Month


I have attached a revised calendar for the month of March. Please go to the website to view the monthly calendar. Please note that the book fair is the week of March 16th-19th (not the 23rd-26th as shown on the previous calendar). Drama club practices have been added to the calendar, as well as the Parents/Teachers/Students/Alumni Basketball Fun night on March 13th. Also, due to the snow closures this week, progress reports will not be sent home until Friday, March 13th.

We are still in need of parent volunteers to help with the book fair March 16th-19th. If you are willing and available to help, please print the attached form and return it to the school as soon as possible. Your help will be greatly appreciated!!

Hope that you enjoyed the snow days off! Have a great night :)

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary