It's that time of year again. You should have received an order form that was sent home with your child yesterday. If not, you will most likely receive it today. You don't want to worry about purchasing school supplies during the summer. There are no school supplies to select from by the time you get a chance to go to the store. You don't want to waste gas going from one location to the next trying to find the right supplies. Well, this is your chance to get ahead of the curve for the 2009-2010 school year and purchase a school tool box for your child now. The ACA PTA has made this easy for you. We do all of the work for you. This is not a fundraiser. The PTA does this in order to assist the parents of ACA and make the purchase of school supplies more convenient. All you have to do is complete an order form and return it along with payment to the school -- no hassle, no fuss. All summer long you can enjoy and not have to worry. Before school begins, we will have our annual Back-To-School dessert social in August, and you can pick up your child's school toolbox at that time. It will have all the supplies they need to start off the school year.
So don't delay! Get your orders in now and you will save time and money? Think about that lovely school box your child will receive before the school year starts. Remember, you have until Friday, May 29, 2009 to get your order in. Simply send in the order with your child or
submit it to the office.
PS. Book bags are once again being offered this year. Take a look and maybe you'll want to purchase one of those in addition to the school supplies.
School Tool Box Program
Welcome to ACA's School Tool Box(tm) Program...our exact school supply list (by grade), custom pre-packaged and delivered in a keepsake box.
Make sure your child starts the first day of school the right way!
What is it?
ACA has participated with the School Tool Box(tm) Program the past three years. This program normally takes place in the month of May before the end of the school year. The program entails developing a customized kit of school supplies for the students at a price that beats even the local "Big Mart." The School Tool Box(tm) Program offers one-stop shopping for teachers to equip students for the upcoming school year. Students are provided with all of the school supplies they will need for their grade level, according to the corresponding teacher's supply list. The program uses only name brand products and guarantees total satisfaction.
Listed below are some of the many advantages of using the School Tool Box(tm) Program!
* Consistent - Students have the exact school supplies for their grade.
* Convenient - The hassle of going store to store in search of the proper supplies is alleviated. And parents can still pay by credit card.
* Cost Saving - Primary School Supplies purchases direct from manufacturers, then sells direct to the schools. The School Tool Box(tm) is less expensive
* Quality Products - The program is committed to providing students and their teachers with the best tools to enhance the education process. Primary School Supplies has the expertise to know which products perform best, from name brands like Acco, American Scholar, Avery, Bic, Crayola, Dixon, Elmers, Fiskars, Helix, Kimberly-Clark, Mead, Newell, Papermate, and Sanford.
ACA strives to make the School Tool Box(tm) Program the greatest possible advantage to students, service to parents, and benefit to ACA and its teachers. Here are some of the ways you save when you participate in the School Tool Box(tm) program.
* Buy wholesale - Primary School Supplies purchase directly from manufacturers and sell directly to ACA. The School Tool Box(tm) is cheaper than purchasing individual items from retail stores
* Tax free - ACA purchases the supplies tax-free, increasing your savings.
* Added value - The price includes packing and delivery in the colorful keepsake box.
* No shopping - You save the time and expense of driving from store to store.
Damon V. Briggs, Sr.