Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Letter from Mr. Watts, School Administrator

Hello All,

I would like to thank everyone for all you have done to help keep the school running efficiently while I’ve been absent with both bacterial and viral pneumonia.

This efficiency hasn’t come about by waving a “magic wand” or by accident. It is the result of what has been accomplished over many hours over the last three years.

Thanks to Nick Di Croce for establishing a financial foundation upon which to operate. Thanks to Lori Di Croce for monitoring the finances and implementing administrative decisions. This has continued to happen because of her telephone calls and emails to me in which I was able to communicate administrative decisions to her from home and feel confident that they would be implemented.

Thanks to Danielle Cooper for effectively implementing the tasks that have been given to her.

Thank you to the discipline committee and PAC committee for your roles during this time. Thank you to the classroom teachers and our teacher aides for your commitment and diligence. Thank you to our parent volunteers who behind the scenes contribute so much to our school. I am so proud of all of you for in my eyes you are the “A” team.

Thank you to the students for their cooperation in order for us to maintain smooth day to day operations.

Thank you to our parents who often sacrifice to provide this education for their children.

Thank you to Pastor Brent for being available to open the plays and for lending his support.

Thank you to the school board past and present for your dedication. Chuck Pfeiffer, Marilyn Watts, Kathy Berkheiser, and Nick Di Croce you are much appreciated.

I also want to thank our PTA president – Damon Briggs – for the energy, vision, and the diligence he has given to this position.

I want to thank my sisters, Marilyn and Beverly, for their help with computer situations and for Beverly who takes care of School Dynamics, report cards, and progress reports.

I also thank the maintenance workers who have helped so much over the years – who not only do their jobs but also take time to pray for our needs.

This started out as a “Thank You” to those who have helped so much during the last couple of weeks. But as I thought about it, I decided to take this opportunity to extend a BIG THANK YOU to everyone. It is so easy to take for granted the things people do on a daily basis.

I wish all of our mothers a special Mother’s Day blessing filled with joy and happiness.

The secret to this success is the ability to delegate responsibilities to very talented people and then see them use their own creative talents in effectively handling those responsibilities. This is an opposite philosophy to micromanaging, and I believe it has created a dynamic pattern for success. All of you – you are the best!

I will be seeing you soon – “the light at the end of the tunnel” is getting brighter.

May God continue to bless and guide your lives as together we advance His kingdom through this wonderful medium of Christian Education. -- Wellington Watts