October 3, 2008
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that October here already. This will be a busy month with Race for Education being a highlight of the month.
We have needs that everyone’s participation will help alleviate. First, we did not receive over $5,000.00 from the state in technology aid that we thought we would be receiving. We still need to continue upgrading our computers and computer system.
Secondly, we also have not finished the security camera installations, which will make our security surveillance even more effective. These and other school needs will be greatly helped by this effort.
We would like to raise $30,000.00 with this major fund-raiser. All of the help you can give in this effort will be greatly appreciated.
We are trusting the God who can do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or think to meet our needs and to bless you beyond your expectations for your help in this area.
In His Service,
Wellington E.Watts, II