Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Tomorrow will be a dress down day for students- GO PHILLIES! Students may pay $1 to dress down for the day.

Forms have been sent home with the information about Picture Day.
Students should follow standard dress code for picture day. This
includes the following:

- Navy or Khaki pants
- Navy or burgundy 3 or 4 button polo
- Shoes or sneakers

- Plaid or navy jumper
- Khaki or navy skort or skirt
- Navy or khaki pants
- Navy or burgundy 3 or 4 button polo
- Shoes or sneakers

Students who have gym class on Tuesdays should follow the dress code
above for picture day.

Also, fliers went home today with information about the Race for
Education on Friday. I have attached the flier to this email as well. If you are able to help with set-up or tear-down, please e-mail Kathy Lamastra at lamastra@comcast.net.

Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary