Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drama Club Needs Your Old Costumes


The drama club is in need of your old costumes, wigs, props, and anything else that could be used for drama club productions. As you are putting away your Halloween costumes and looking through your old ones, please keep the ACA drama club in mind. You can drop any items off in the main office and we will get them to Miss Cuoco. Anything you are able to donate will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Phillies Dress Down Day at ACA


In honor of our very own Milt Thompson and the Philadelphia Phillies, tomorrow will be a dress down day for students. Students are not permitted to wear costumes to school tomorrow. However, Calvary Hill Church invites all students to the Harvest Party taking place at 7PM in the gymnasium where students may come dressed up in their costumes!

Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Holiday House and Christmas Fun Day

The PTA will host a Holiday House gift shop for grades K-4 to 4th on Dec. 8, 10 & 12. The gift shop will run during school hours from 9am to 1pm. Having your child purchase gifts is totally at your discretion. Gift prices will range from $1.00 to $5.00. Please note: we must limit purchases to immediate family and ask that your child’s budget for spending stay under $40.00.
On Sat. 12/13 from 11am to 1pm, the PTA will host a Christmas Fun Day for ALL students and their families to shop, play games and much more.

See the PTA Blog for More Information. The link is in the column on the right.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

First Bake Sale of the School Year


Tomorrow is our first bake sale of the school year during lunch time. K4 and 3rd grade will be running tomorrow's bake sale and are asked to supply the items for sale. If you are a parent of a student in one of these classes and are able to donate for the bake sale, please remember to send your items to school with your child in the morning.

The bake sale will be taking place during lunch time. Please remember to send in money with your child to purchase some goodies!

Thank you so much for your support of this fundraiser!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Election Debate Oct. 30th


The middle school classes would like to invite you to attend an election debate this Thursday, October 30th at 1:45 in the main sanctuary. We hope to see you there!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Race for Education is Here!

This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is Race For Education and will be held at Robert Rundland Park in Glassboro. We will leave the school at approximately 9:45 and return to school by 11:45.
The school day will resume as usual however, parents may sign their children out with their home room teacher.

Come out to support our children for this fun filled day and please pray for NO RAIN!

Lori Di Croce

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Tomorrow will be a dress down day for students- GO PHILLIES! Students may pay $1 to dress down for the day.

Forms have been sent home with the information about Picture Day.
Students should follow standard dress code for picture day. This
includes the following:

- Navy or Khaki pants
- Navy or burgundy 3 or 4 button polo
- Shoes or sneakers

- Plaid or navy jumper
- Khaki or navy skort or skirt
- Navy or khaki pants
- Navy or burgundy 3 or 4 button polo
- Shoes or sneakers

Students who have gym class on Tuesdays should follow the dress code
above for picture day.

Also, fliers went home today with information about the Race for
Education on Friday. I have attached the flier to this email as well. If you are able to help with set-up or tear-down, please e-mail Kathy Lamastra at

Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Monday, October 20, 2008

School Picture Day

Dear Parents,

This Wednesday will be a dress down day in celebration of the Phillies World Series Game #1! Phillies fans are encouraged to wear their team gear.  Students may pay $1 to dress down for the day.

Also, information about school picture day is going home today.  These envelopes must be returned with your child by Tuesday, October 28th (picture day) if you wish to order pictures.  For your convenience, you may also send the envelopes in ahead of time.

Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Harvest Party.  We provide the Harvest Celebration for families that want an alternative to the traditional Halloween celebration. There will be fun and games for children and adults, snacks, candy, and fellowship with like-minded believers.  If you have not been able to attend in years past, ask anyone who has been, and you will know a good time is in store.
It takes more than one or two people to make this event a success.  A few extra hands make the work light!  We need help with games, picture taking, candy donations, and cleaning up after the event.  It's avery long day for workers running the event!  Please don't assume that it's all going to magically happen without your help!  We need you!!!
1) Four or more men (or women to help the men) willing to help with games, snacks or crafts.
2) One person who is very skilled at taking pictures
3) Four men willing to help take things down and clean up afterwards
Calvary Hill Church Gymnasium
Friday, 31 October 2008, 7pm – 8:30pm. 
Helpers please plan to arrive around 6:00 pm for setup or 8:30 for take down and clean up.
Rich Graves

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Invitation for Students

Calvary Hill Church invites you to participate in:
o National Girls Ministries (formerly known as Missionettes) -
o Royal Rangers -
o Rainbows for Pre-schoolers (boys and girls)

For additional information and questions please contact:
Rich and Lori Graves

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Half Day Tomorrow


This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday and Friday will all be half days of school due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.  All students will be dismissed at 12:00PM and there will be no lunch or aftercare.  Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Thursday, October 9, 2008



Tomorrow will be a dress down day for students! To show team spirit for our Philadelphia Phillies and their big games ahead, students are encouraged to wear team colors/jersies. Students pay $1 to dress down for the day so please remember to send $1 to school with your child. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Monday, October 6, 2008

You Are Invited


Calvary Hill Church would like to extend an invitation to all ACA families for our Harvest Party on Friday, October 31st from 7:00-8:30 PM. Please see the attached flier for more information! Hard copies will also be sent home with K4-4th grade students. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Friday, October 3, 2008

Message from ACA Principal

October 3, 2008

Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe that October here already.  This will be a busy month with Race for Education being a highlight of the month.

We have needs that everyone’s participation will help alleviate.   First, we did not receive over $5,000.00 from the state in technology aid that we thought we would be receiving.  We still need to continue upgrading our computers and computer system.

Secondly, we also have not finished the security camera installations, which will make our security surveillance even more effective.  These and other school needs will be greatly helped by this effort. 

We would like to raise $30,000.00 with this major fund-raiser.  All of the help you can give in this effort will be greatly appreciated.

We are trusting the God who can do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we ask or think to meet our needs and to bless you beyond your expectations for your help in this area.

In His Service,
Wellington E.Watts, II

Reminders for the Week

Dear Parents,

- We are still missing family labels for the Race for Education. It
is not too late! We would love to see everyone participate. Please
send in any labels you may have as soon as possible.

-Pretzel orders were due today. However, if you would like to have
your child order pretzels we will accept the orders on Monday as well.

-Dress down days are not every Friday. As stated in the student
handbook, dress down days will be scheduled only twice per month.
Parents and students will be notified via the school calendars and
week at a glance's. Any student that is out of uniform except for
these scheduled dress down days will be written up for dress code
violation. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!

Enjoy this beautiful fall weather and have a wonderful weekend!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Winter Dress Code

Now that fall is upon us and we are starting to feel the nip in the air, please make sure your children are dressed appropriately. You may refer to the handbook for the winter dress code.

This should include long sleeve shirts or a jacket for recess. It is especially important for the after care program as the children are outside when the sun is starting to set.

Thank you for continued cooperation.

Lori Di Croce

Universal Health Insurance for Children

Dear Parent (s)/Guardian(s):

Governor Corzine has made a commitment for New Jersey to provide universal health insurance to children and affordable options for parents/guardians with the recent signing of new legislation. This new law mandates that all children age 18 and under have health insurance.

The requirement for health insurance coverage can be met in a variety of ways: (1) through a health insurance plan provided by your employer; (2) through a health insurance policy you purchase directly; and (3) through NJ FamilyCare which provides free or low cost insurance for children and their parents/guardians. Enrollment in school insurance only does not satisfy this new mandate. For more information about NJ Family Care or to apply, please call 1-800701-0710 or visit

Parents or guardians who earn too much to qualify for NJ FamilyCare can purchase health insurance for their children at reasonable rates through another program called the NJ FamilyCare Advantage program, which is administered by Horizon NJ Health. For more information about this program, please call NJ FamilyCare Advantage at 1-800-637-2997.

As the law also requires, the New Jersey Department of Education is now assisting the New Jersey Department of Human Services in its efforts to identify uninsured children and to help families access free or low cost health insurance or visit

Healthy children make better students! Our goal is to assist all New Jersey families in securing no cost or affordable insurance which will provide access to quality healthcare. If you have any questions about this new requirement, please call 1-800-701-0710.


Lucille E. Davy
Department of Education

Pretzel Order


Just to clarify on the pretzel orders- please return the order forms and payment by tomorrow, Friday, October 3rd. This will allow time for us to get the pretzel orders in for Tuesday. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Philly Pretzel Factory

Dear Parents,

On Tuesday, October 7 we will begin our pretzel orders from Philly Pretzel Factory. Every Tuesday and Thursday, students will have the opportunity to order pretzels. Please see the attached memo/order form for more information. Thank you!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Mum Fundraiser Sale

Dear Parents,

The PTA is sponsoring a fall Mum fundraiser sale. You may purchase the Mums for $4 each or 3 for $10. Please fill out the form sent home with your child and send it back to school with your child with the total due. All orders will be available for pickup the last week of October.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary

Craft Supplies Needed

Dear Parents,

As many of you know, Senora Illas is involved in missions ministry to Guatemala several times year round. The missionaries in Guatemala are currently in need of craft supplies for students in the schools and churches there. If you are interested in this giving opportunity, you may send items in to school with your child or bring them to the main office.

Thank you so much!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary