Dear Parents,
Calvary Hill Church Vacation Bible School 2009 will be taking place June 29th-July 3rd from 9:00AM to 12:00PM for kids Pre-K to 6th grades. As kids participate in fun-filled activities, they will learn how each one of them is loved by Jesus! We will have a great time with lively songs, hilarious skits,creative crafts, exciting games, Bible stories and tasty snacks?all of the things that make Vacation Bible School so much fun for children.
The VBS flier and medical release form are attached to this e-mail. The actual registration forms are available on the Calvary Hill Church website ( and the ACA website ( Hardcopies are available in the main office. If you would like, I can also send a registration form home with your child- just reply to this e-mail to let me know.
SonRock Kids Camp can be an inspirational and educational adventure for your entire family. Invite a friend!
Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary