Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Pictures and Other Information

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is a FREE dress down day for students. After an intense week of testing, students may dress down for tomorrow without having to pay $1 :)

Spring pictures will be sent home with students tomorrow. If you would like to purchase the pictures, please keep them and simply return a check to the school made payable to Lifetouch. If you do not want to keep the pictures, please return them with your child as soon as possible.

There will be a meeting for all parents interested in helping during Teacher Appreciation Week tomorrow (Friday, April 17th) at 1:45PM in room 101. Details of Teacher Appreciation Week events will be discussed.

Textbook loan forms were sent home in registration packets several weeks ago. If you have not returned this form, please do so as soon as possible. These forms are submitted to the public school district and allow us to receive books (aside from the consumable books that are covered by your paid book fees) that ACA keeps on hand permanently.

Hope that your week is going great! It is nice to see the sun again isn't it?! Have a great night :)

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary