Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Teacher/Staff In-Service Day-No School


I have several notes for you this week! It's a busy time around the school and a lot is happening. :)

As a friendly reminder, we ask that if you need to pick your child up from school early that you give the school as much notice as possible. The teachers prefer that you send in a note first thing in the morning to let them know what time you will need your child to be ready. If that is not possible, please contact the main office and let us know as much in advance as you can. We will then contact your child's teacher to let her know and she will make sure your child has his/her homework for the day and things together when you arrive. This avoids disrupting the class and saves you waiting time when you arrive as well. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

As stated on the school calendar, there is no school this Friday, March 20th due to teacher/staff in-service day.

Make-up day for the ACA book fair will be on Thursday. If your child missed the opportunity to browse or purchase from the book fair during their scheduled time this week, they will have the opportunity to visit the book fair again on Thursday. You may send in money with your child to do that. Parents are welcome to browse the book fair as well from 2:00-4:00 tomorrow or Thursday and again during the open house on Thursday night.

Yearbook orders are due on Thursday. Don't miss your chance to purchase a yearbook for the 2008-2009 school year! The cost is $35. Checks can be made payable to ACA and sent into school with your child.

Keep in mind that if your registration packet and fee are received by this Thursday, you will receive a $25 voucher per child to be used toward book fees.

DVD's of the elementary Christmas production "O Christmas Tree" are now available in the main office for $10.

Phew- that's it for now! :) Hope that you are having a great week!

Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary