Dear Parents,
Tonight is our Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser at the Sicklerville location (Cross Keys Road) from 4:30-8:30. A portion of the money you spend is donated to ACA. All students who come to Chick-Fil-A will receive a free homework pass!
Tomorrow is a dress down day for students. Students may pay $1 to
dress down for the day.
Order forms went home with students today for the next pretzel order period. If you would like to order pretzels, please return the form by Friday, December 19th.
We are collecting blankets to donate to Kids' Alley this Christmas. If you would like to donate a blanket, you can bring it to the school by Friday, December 19th.
The ACA office will be closing at 3:00PM tomorrow for the ACA
teachers/staff Christmas party. If you will be picking your children
up after 3:00PM, please use the east side gym entrance. Thank you!
There's a lot going on this time of year :) We hope to see you at Chick-Fil-A tonight! Have a great night!
Danielle Cooper
ACA Receptionist/Secretary